Looking for a way to let the creative juices flow and the colours splash? Now let the wildest of imagination come true. We give you the platform to do so at R.V. College of Engineering Bengaluru.
Experience an unique event for students studying Fine arts, Visual Arts, Animation/Multimedia or other equivalent art courses to come together and show their works and skills off under one roof amazing things to look out for Exhibitions, Live contest and seminars on different themes and issues Career guidance ,to help you sculpt your own path in this ocean of opportunities More on contemporary trends and professional opportunities
For More information
Contact : +91-9900315146 |+91-8884195098
E-Mail : mail2artmatters@gmail.com
About The Event
Each participant can submit up to three (3) Works
No theme for the Painting/Graphic prints and he maximum size of the exhibits should not be more than 6’X6’ for a Painting/Graphic prints,
In Live Painting Competition Participants are required to bring their own materials.
Conference Detail
Test Camp
Painting Contest and Exhibition
Exhibition : About 150 selected paintings shall be exhibited in gallery ambience and three best paintings shall be awarded. For preliminary selection participants have to send either scanned or a High Definition photograph of the painting.
Live Painting Competition : Contestants have to paint on the themes which shall be provided on spot.
Rules and Regulations
Each participant can submit up to three (3) Works
No theme for the Painting/Graphic prints and he maximum size of the exhibits should not be more than 6’X6’ for a Painting/Graphic prints,
In Live Painting Competition Participants are required to bring their own materials.
Live Sculpture Contest
This event is a live competition, based on the artist’s original and creative expression through sculpture of natural or imagined forms. Selection for contest is based on preliminary entries which will be done on basis of photograph of previous works of the candidate.
Rules and Regulations
The dimension of the sculpture should not exceed 2 ft in length and breadth and 3 ft in height.
Clay will be provided to the participant at the venue.
Participants should bring their own tools. Kindly note that mechanical or electrical tools are not permitted.
Poster Design Contest
About 50 selected posters shall be exhibited in gallery ambiance and best poster of the competition shall be awarded.
Themes for the Contest are :
Mother Earth is dying – Let’s pledge to save her
Save Lakes and water bodies
Rules and Regulations
Each participant can submit up to three (3) Posters.
Participant should submit the poster in given theme only. Posters with objectionable content will not be entertained.
Size should be 18 x 24” (46 x 61 cm) can be vertical or horizontal and may be done in any media.
Photography Contest
Photography competition is open for all fine/visual art students. Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, artistic merit and visual impact.
Each participant can submit up to three (3) images.
Rules and Regulations
Images of not more than 10 MB in size must be submitted online and images should be in JPEG format and hight or width should be at least 1,600 pixels.
Digital manipulation that distorts the the images will not be allowed. Basic enhancements such as shar pening, contrast adjustment, cropping will be allowed.
Product Design Contest
The Paricipants are supposed to do inventions, novelty designs and aesthetic designs that are not in the market and create a prototype model ( working or non working) , plan a detailed campaign for the same and make efforts to position the brand and promote it.
Rules and Regulations
For Priliminary selection participants are supposed to submit Product Name, Logo of the brand, synopsis about the product
A stall with sun-shade & single-phase electrical supply would be provided for exhibiting the work.
LCD Screen will be provided only with prior intimation with an extra charge of Rs. 300.
Short Film and animation Contest
This contest aims at fighting prevalent social evils and creating awareness with an idea or concept is the broad message you
want to convey through film short films. The film with objectionable content will not be entertained.
Rules and Regulations
Duration of the film should not exceed 30 minutes.
The entry should be submitted only by the member of the making team.
Format of the films may be shot in MPEG4 or AVI format. The recommended ratios are: 16:9 / 16:9/2.39 – in DV / HDV.

By Seminar on Art History
Anil Kumar
Exhibition : About 150 selected paintings shall be exhibited in gallery ambience and three best paintings shall be awarded. For preliminary selection participants have to send either scanned or a High Definition photograph of the painting.
Live Painting Competition : Contestants have to paint on the themes which shall be provided on spot.